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Swank v0.04.04

2013 Schedule

  1. topic: news sources
    topic: current issues
    skill: discussion vs debate
    assignment: watch news
    reading: "Persuasion vs. Force" by Mark and Jo Ann Skousen
    assignment: reply to email
    (topics discussed: gun control, abortion, caucus vs election, arab spring/syria)
  2. report: what news did you watch
    principle: Freedom/Agency
    skill: analysis model
    assignment: watch news and prepare to report orally on something interesting
    reading: watch manufacturing consent

  3. report: oral report on interesting new story
    topic: media analysis, biases, and worldviews, combatting media deceptionbias vs non-bias
    skill: writing assignment progression
    assignment: written paragraph on something interesting with opinion
    reading: LDR1, Introduction, Liberty

  4. report: read paragraphs 
    principle: responsibility
    skill: how to post a blog article
    assignment: opinion blog post (link)
    assignment: choose a topic to specialize in (individually or as a class?)
    reading: 1000 year war, intro-8

  5. report: discuss blog posts
    topic: fact checking, research
    skill: googling
    assignment: fact check blog post (link to sources)
    reading: LDR2, Self-defence, financial freedom

  6. principle: duty/reciprocality  (justice?)
    skill: USA Geography quiz
    reading: 1000 year war, 9-15
    assignment: fact check blog post (link to sources)

  7. topic: economics, supply & demand
    reading: LDR3, Welfare and Charity, Preparedness and Self-Reliance
    assignment: blog - POV comparison- describe both points of view on a subject

  8. principle: charity
    reading: 1000 year war, 16-22
    assignment: blog - apply principle

  9. topic: macro-economics, austrian, keynesianism, chicago school, rationality
    reading: LDR4, Education, Civic Duty
    assignment: blog - describe ideal situation

  10. principle: property/ownership/stewardship
    reading: 1000 year war, 23-32
    assignment: blog - what actions move us closer or farther from solution

  11. topic: worldviews? false dichotomies?
    reading: LDR5, Food Production, Family
    assignment: blog - suggest a solution

  12. principle: family (model of government, celestial organization)
    reading: proper role of government, 
    assignment: blog - prediction

  13. principle: decentralization
    reading: power structure in america (Mills) Ron Paul's Farewell Address to Congress
    assignment: draft paper

  14. topic: corruption of capitalism, profit & power
    skill: recognize 3 strata of power
    reading: LDR6, Faith and Morality, Conclusion
    assignment: final paper

  15. principle: morality/integrity/honest/personal moral standards


  • fact-checking, research 
  • recognizing false dichotomies 
  • geography 
  • apply history to today 
  • understanding taxes and debt


  1. freedom/agency
  2. responsibility
  3. duty/reciprocality
  4. morality/integrity/honest/personal moral standards
  5. stewardship/property/ownership
  6. decentralization
  7. charity
  8. education
  9. family


  • watch news
  • oral report
  • written report
  • opinion
  • fact check
  • opposing points of view
  • principle--apply to news
  • describe the ideal
  • suggest a solution


The Thousand Year War in the Mideast, by Richard Mayberry
$16.16 on amazon

Latter-day Responsibility, by Connor Boyack
$16.19 on amazon